Tag Archive for: phonegap

Get the Android SDK & Phonegap to work

Getting the create Command to Work on PhoneGap 2.x Android. Huge thanks to Simon MacDonald

Start with the PhoneGap setup documentation here:


Then fix it here:


If I only knew this sooner

Things that it would have been nice to know:

  1. Android package names can only contain letters & periods. NO NUMBERS or SPECIAL CHARACTERS
  2. PhoneGapBuild Keys cannot be edited or deleted, so be precise and descriptive in your naming conventions
  3. It is important for us to decide on a good structure for application versions/environments. Managing multiple installs on multiple devices, pointed at multiple server environments

Sign iOS apps on a PC

The following information can be used to create profiles and certificates on a PC to sign a iOS app. Info in this post was taken from a great playlist of video instructions found at http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL57C122F59F8F1A43

These operations require OpenSSL Fow Windows. You can get this at http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html Download & install the Win32 or Win64 OpenSSL Light Client.

##PATH_TO_OPEN_SSL_BIN## - Ex: C:OpenSSL-Win64bin
##KEY_NAME## - Ex: reUrgencyMobileApp
##CONTACT_EMAIL## - Ex: apps@reUrgency.com
##CONTACT_NAME## - Ex: John Doe

Open a Command Prompt & cd to your OpenSSL bin directory

Run the following command to set your OpenSSL config path:


Run the following command to create your Application Key

openssl genrsa -out ##KEY_NAME##.key 2048

Run the following command to create your Certificate Signing Requuest

openssl req -new -key ##KEY_NAME##.key -out ##KEY_NAME##_CSR.certSigningReq­uest -subj "/emailAddress=##CONTACT_EMAIL##, CN=##CONTACT_NAME##, C=US"

Run the following command to create your Signing Profile

openssl x509 -in ##KEY_NAME##_##ENVIRONMENT##.cer -inform DER -out ##KEY_NAME##_##ENVIRONMENT##.pem -outform PEM

Run the following command to create your .p12 signing certificate

openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey ##KEY_NAME##.key -in ##KEY_NAME##_##ENVIRONMENT##.pem -out ##KEY_NAME##_##ENVIRONMENT##.p12